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花變 Growing

Wan-Qi,Peng 彭琬淇

許多人將花視為美麗的代名詞,但是否人人都想化為「花」? 剪裁平面雜誌廣告上眾多人體元件為素材,以拼貼方式重組,構築畫面,再現聚光燈下,頂著各式光環的人們,身不由己的現實,旁人往往只見其繁花似錦的外在,卻不知内裏之痛苦。 Cut out human bodies. Using collage art to reflect the involuntary of many people in the current society. Others only saw the achievements of them but did not think about whether this was what they wanted. 指導教授 Advisor l 郭令權 Lynch,Kuo、余慧君 Hui-chun,Yu