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迷蹤 Lost Track

Fang-Chi,Chang 張芳齊

有感於大學是一個充滿各種艱困抉擇的階段,但是在這個過程裡偶爾會遇到一些有趣的事物。為了讓自己留下美好的回憶,於是用手繪的方式描繪四大主題:〈居所〉、〈工作〉、〈朋友〉、〈伴侶〉,它們象徵人生中四個重要的元素。這些主題各自有不同的發展及可能性,因此我各自為它們挑選一種花卉做代表:桂花、九重葛、紅仙丹、羊蹄甲。 創作時用黑色代針筆勾勒出象徵人生的迷宮及路上遭遇的事物,完成後以鉛筆略施陰影、製造出些微立體感,再用色鉛筆為四種花卉及雲朵填上色彩、營造出差異。創作的過程中也可以沉澱心情、培養專注力,未來我也可以透過這系列作品來回顧自己的人生。 Life is as intricate as a maze, and you will get lost in it if you are not careful. Even so, occasionally some beautiful things will come across on the road. This series depicts four major themes in a hand-painted way: home, work, friends, and partner. They symbolize the four important elements in life. In the process of creation, I can also settle my mood and cultivate concentration. In the future, I can also review my life through this series of works. 指導教授 Advisor l 郭令權 Lynch,Kuo、余慧君 Hui-chun,Yu