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標本 Specimen

Xiao-Han,Chen 陳筱涵

將各式日常生活遺留小物,嚴肅謹慎的放入透明小盒中,如博物館般小心翼翼典藏個人生活標本。盒中陳列之物,是對生活的體悟和情緒。每一件標本,都是生命片段的回憶與自我投射。縱然許多情緒無法久留,一閃即逝, 但封存之後,回頭皆可細細品味。 All kinds of small objects left over from daily life are put into a small transparent box, like a museum, carefully collecting specimens of personal life. Each specimen is a memory and self-projection of a fragment of life. Even though many emotions cannot stay for a long time and pass away in a flash, they can be savored in retrospect after being sealed. 指導教授 Advisor l 郭令權 Lynch,Kuo、余慧君 Hui-chun,Yu