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夢馭客體 Untamed

Tsai-Lin,Yang 楊采霖

藉由角色設計與實體模型玩具製作,將以往難受的經驗具象化。透過第三人稱的視角觀看曾經無比在意、沉重壓抑的經驗,經由玩具這個管道與自己和解、讓各個階段的自我合而為一。 為了脫離身為普通人類的生物特徵,「夢馭客體」的角色形象皆為非人物種,以荒誕及個人偏好的街頭風格呈現,藉此提升對於自身陰暗面的喜好與接受程度。 期待也有相同經驗的觀眾能在「夢馭客體」找到部分自我,產生些微被理解的感受。也許對自己有時不滿、有時厭惡,在此刻從第三人稱的視角看著自己的模樣、與自己對視,過去抑或是現在的你都未曾分裂。 Toys are memorable, weighable and also sustainable.In addition to emotional functions, toys stand for different stages in life as well. ”Untamed” are several characters made into toys which represent emotional conditions from different stages in life. Inhuman figures are adopted as the main appearance of the toys. Sincerely expecting visitors to feel eased, comforted and cared when recognizing the untamed parts of themselves. 指導教授 Advisor l 郭令權 Lynch,Kuo、余慧君 Hui-chun,Yu