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窺視菁華 I’m watching you.

Chia-Sheng,Wen 温家昇

位於花蓮市區的菁華橋,過去曾發生多起跳河事件,使得橋邊的靜謐小街區,終成為鄉野傳奇現場。 看到的表象不一定是全部,隱藏在背後不為人知的另一面,是否才是我們評斷的依據?本作品以動態影像拍攝街區無人廢棄建築,透過觀景鏡頭窺看荒廢空間場域,藉由機械框設的視野景度,思考眼中所見與記憶印象的日常表象差異,或真或假,亦真亦假。 In the past, there have been many s river jumping incidents at Jinghua Bridge in Hualien City. It turns this small block next to the bridge into a scene of legends. Though shooting neighborhoods. I Used camera lens watching abandoned space. With the mechanical frame of the field of view, I think about the difference between the daily appearance of what I see and the impression of memory, whether it is true or false. 指導教授 Advisor l 郭令權 Lynch,Kuo、余慧君 Hui-chun,Yu