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可不可以有點用? - RE:mark(able)

李翎榕 / 潘珈汶 / 陳晉豪 / 吳凱楠

「 可不可以有點用? 」是希望標點符號更有用,也是希望有標點符號可以用。藉由我們的作品,說明標點符號也能有情緒,並尋找它更多的可能性,將其重新定義與詮釋。扭轉標點符號太正式、不有趣的形象,從接受他開始,一步步了解標點符號的可能與特性。 - RE:mark(𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒) promotes using punctuation marks in different ways. In addition to knowing the genuine function of each punctuation mark, they could understand those marks have emotions through our designs. We hope that RE:mark(𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒) could help people get used to this culture, accept them, and eventually be willing to use them. Making punctuation marks become a part of people’s daily life.